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In-Game Nickname: Slarny , LowKii420



Time and date: 01\25\2025



Description of what happened: theyre just being toxic because we told them griefing is not allowed and they griefed other player bases. then we started to argue and both of us became toxic




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  • BerkcN changed the title to [Complaint] LowKii420, Slarney

This is not my section of strength but I believe parts of this are being withheld from the staff.


^ This is the complaint post as well. 

There was also a argument that broke out in the discord that contained many slurs and rude names. 

@JebacBydgoszcz and @ManYouForgot

  • Manager

Hello, @BerkcN

I have reviewed the complaint, and have issued a verbal warning to them.

I will like to say here as well, that I implore you to try to get along with your fellow players on the server.
If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. Otherwise you will not be apart of this community if you keep it up.


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