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  1. Old post but since you are still active on the server, and the player has not been on since December 5th 2023, the claim has been removed
    3 points
  2. yes GB. Dont mind my dinosaurian self lol. Upped it to 8, reinstalled/updated Java. Seems to have resolved Thanks!
    2 points
  3. should all be reset now feel free to tell me if i missed anything important or something didnt work
    2 points
  4. SkyFactory 4 has multiple plug-ins allowing new, innovative commands. We get asked these questions lots: How do I make a new island? How do I teleport to it? How do I invite a player to my island? How do me and my partner sync achievements? This post will answer your questions and list available commands as a player, which are necessary within play. There may be other tutorials on this, however this is a recent, updated post as of March 2025. /is create - Creates a new island /is tp - Will teleport you to your island (Or will list your islands to teleport to) /is lock - Will stop players entering within 256 blocks of your island, unless invited. /is unlock - Allows external players to visit your island (They will not be able to break / place or interact) /is invite [Player] - Allows a player to join your island and gain access to all containers, land etc. /is kick [Player] - Removes a player from the island list, revoking access to containers, block mining/placement /is info - Find out information about your island claim. /is list [Player] - See what islands players are given access to. /is leave - Will self-kick from someone else's island. /is delete - WARNING, WILL ALSO DELETE YOUR INVENTORY / ENDERCHESTS! Store on another island! /tpa [Player] - Will send a teleport request to a player, if it says "You do not have permission to enter this island!" tell the player to perform /is unlock /tpahere [Player] - Will request a player to teleport to your location /claimgreeting [Message] - Will set an automated message that welcomes you, when you enter your island; More than 1 word requires hyphens / dashes "Welcome-to-Island". /Market - Views 24 hour player market /Market add [price] - Adds an item to the player market - Hold the item your selling! Items expire after 72 hours. You can sell up to 5 items at once, or buy Market Merchant for £2.50, $4 on Craftersland Store! /balance - Shows your money / balance. /baltop - A money leader board. /bcl list - Will show the location of your chunk loaders /bcl bal - Will show how many chunk loaders you have remaining. To Sync Achievements: /tofe Help / Invite / Accept / Decline / Kick / Leave / Info / forcesync Help - gives help on /tofe functions. Invite: Invite a player onto your achievement book. Accept: Accept a players invite. Decline - Turn down an invite. Kick - Force remove player off your achievement book. leave - Leave the player's book and follow your own again. info - gives info on your current party. Force-sync: Will make the players party resync achievements regardless of conditions.
    1 point
  5. If you wish for any extra commands for in-game usage, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your Command Request topic. For your topic name, use [Command Request]*YourName* Requirements: No record of any kind of command abuse A donor rank of Sponsor or Sponsor+ A relatively clean ban record Account Name: Rank: Requested Commands^: Reason for Request*: ^ = (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add. E.g nucleus.feed.base) * = (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting) Notice! Abuse of permitted commands will result in you having your requested commands revoked with complete denial of granting any future command requests.
    1 point
  6. Everything appears normal, thank you for the quick response!
    1 point
  7. 4erryDev1l

    Maybe wipe?

    Hi brunyman! What about wipe on the infinity evolved server? I don't want to rush things, but I think there are a decent number of players who are waiting for this event to start playing from scratch. Thank you in advance for your reply
    1 point
  8. I've rolled your inventory back. Please let me know if anything is missing.
    1 point
  9. Inventory rollback, if anything is missing please make a list below for a refund request.
    1 point
  10. Items refunded to player Nagaro_ Closed T/C
    1 point
  11. It worked, thanks
    1 point
  12. Hi there, we are aware of this issue, but as of now, not really sure how to permanently fix it. You can bypass the byte limit with this mod though! Simply add it to your mods folder and youre good to go! Let me know if you have any more issues and need help adding the mod packetfixer-forge-2.0.0-1.18-to-1.18.2.jar
    1 point
  13. Omajor

    Vote keys

    1 point
  14. Our vote crate rewards could use some improvement. I think it's time to realign the vote crates with the gameplay progression of Tekkit SMP. Please share your suggestions.
    1 point
  15. My take on the Crate rewards, Each line indicates either the item name or the kit name. If it is a kit, the lines following this are the items that are in the kit and the quantities of them. To make it a little more pleasing to the eyes I've colour coded each item or kit. Some things I've used as filler (basicly anything from the old rewards) since I may not have a better alternative in mind at this moment.
    1 point
  16. oh, but definitely remove basic solar helmet, concrete, track parts, and space emergency kit. the woven backpacks are cool for new players though.
    1 point
  17. I have noticed that typically on other servers in the Mystic crate they offer a good amount of "creative only" items. I think it's worth adding the Flux Sponge, Creative EnergyStorage, and maybe a Dungeon Locator to ours. lets get rid of the basic EU production and 4 Galacticraft solar panels since not only are they both pretty much the same, but they also aren't good. desh is pushing it too
    1 point
  18. I been looking into this and so far haven't found a fix, so for now its a "feature" Sorry for this inconvenience.
    1 point
  19. Please use a inventory roleback post shown above by the salad dude
    1 point
  20. I would suggest an inventory rollback, edit your post, or make a new one, with the following template:
    1 point
  21. Unfortunately that's just the disconnect error message, so not much we can do to troubleshoot it on our end. It's an issue with your internet or PC more than likely. I was able to load your base and your inventory fine, so I don't think your player data is corrupted. How much RAM do you have allocated to the modpack?
    1 point
  22. Could someone rollback RoyalRedRanger's island to around 17.45pm GMT / UK or 11:45AM CST, no later!, before is fine however, these me cells need saving! contains everything ive ever worked on items wise. Thankyou! I "picked it up" in my arms (its some mod) but if a chest had too much data in it exceeds Byte limit and kicks you. I am exceeding the byte limit by 2 whole byts Ill also need inventory rollback to the time aswell, Otherwise i will not be able to hoin In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: RoyalRedRanger Coordinates: -51897, -24731, y=67 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Stated Above Screenshots (Optional): No Screenshots Available Template -
    1 point
  23. Spawn Shop is finally fixed thanks to @ManYouForgot. T/C
    1 point
  24. The last wipe for Direwolf 1.12.2 was in June, when was the last time you played?
    1 point
  25. Yes there is.. but it's a long road ahead.. 1) You gotta create a wither spawner/farm, make sure all the drops are picked up by automation. 2) you'll need a crafting machine that can learn recipe's and set it up for the dark lasso. 3) you'll need to find a way to collect and connect drops straight into the crafting machine (or a collection system and then on to the crafting machine). Do note, if at any point in this process you touch a drop of evil, it will despawn, so don't use any pipes, storage or machinery that requires you to manually put items into interactive slots.
    1 point
  26. At the moment i dont think anyone is doing reactivation/rank transfers. I plan on doing them though soon as i have the perms to be able.
    1 point
  27. What server were you playing on, if its a server i play on i can monitor the player, if not ill ask another staff member to take a look into it. For the evidence, Ive downloaded it and will send into Staff page. We hope we can resolve the issue quickly! [Helper] RoyalRedRanger
    1 point
  28. Buenas noches, amigos y compañeros. Debido al aumento de proyectos que me están surgiendo en mi vida profesional, me temo que no puedo hacerme cargo del proyecto de remodelación de AssasinsCraft. Quien sabe... quiza un dia pueda llegar a ser un compositor cuya musica resuene en la cabeza e inspire a muchas personas ^^. Me quita bastante tiempo, asi es. Mas los estudios, que no es cosa menor, tengo que decir un poquito adios a esto. No os preocupeis en parte, pq seguiré siendo Administrador ocupandome de tareas menores y problemas que os pueda surgir a nivel de usuarios. ¡Mi rango de Admin no lo renuncio ni de broma! Hasta la fecha hemos realizado cositas importantes como la mudanza de Imperium, y la anexión de las ciudades RiverVille-Imperium-Carnia. Junto a esto hemos empezado a hacer remodelacion de los alrededores del mapa, haciendo que el mapa sea un poquito mundo abierto (dentro de lo cerrado que es). En el apartado de bugs se arreglaron bastantes, al menos lo suficiente para que uno no se de cuenta que algo está mal. Me quedo atras como lider de este proyecto, pero siempre sois libres de preguntar y uniros al equipo de builders, donde arquitectos y otros voluntarios os aceptaran de buen gusto. Un abrazo a todos, más a los que siempre habéis confiado en mi. Os agradezco de corazón vuestra fe y ánimo depositado en mi siempre. Tengo 21 años, y ha llegado un momento donde debo elegir. Espero un día hacer mi sueño realidad, y espero que el sentimiento de pertenecer a AssasinsCraft, resuene en el corazón de todos. ¡Siempre seréis bienvenidos a la cuna de los Assasins! EN/ ¿?
    1 point
  29. rolled back to the last backup before the given time
    1 point
  30. I have sent you to the overworld spawn point. Sorry for the delay. You should find your position reset next time you log in. Non-overworld dimensions are reset periodically, and Tekkit SMP has mods that add temporary dimensions. I suspect you may have been in one of those dimensions when it was wiped. If you have further trouble, there's a free item in the CraftersLand store called "Tekkit SMP - Unstuck" which will reset your location as needed: https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141 Feel free to reach out on our Discord server! CraftersLand Tekkit SMP Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/1041373489975808041 CraftersLand Technical Support Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/291724195480600577
    1 point
  31. Rollback is complete, let me know if everything went as it should.
    1 point
  32. Edit: This issue has been resolved.
    1 point
  33. Small extended autocrafting guide To create recipes in autocrafting with the size 5x5, 7x7 or 9x9 you have to use the mods PackagedAuto and PackagedEXCrafting. You will need the following to start: 1 Package Recipe Encoder, 2 Package Recipe Holders, 1 Packager, 1 Unpackager and depending on what you want to craft an Advanced, Elite or Ultimate Package Crafter. Or a crate into which the items are exported to craft them manually (Draconic Evulution, Mage / Jeweler's Workchop or something else). A Packager, Unpackager and Package Crafter make a crafting unit that can craft 20 different recipes of one type (Advanced/Elite/Ultimate). Per unit 2 channels to the ME controller are needed. In the Package Recipe Encoder the recipes are created and stored in the Package Recipe Holder. Set the Processing Mode to what you want to craft, for example Advanced. Select what you want to craft with "Move Items". Make sure you don't have any exotic chests or chiseld items in the recipe. Then save the Recept and put one Recipe Holder in the Packager and one in the Unpackager. Now the item should be "orderable" in the ME. You will see the Carpenter and the Recipe Package in the ME. The Recipe Package is only important for crafting and not for ordering. If you order the item you will get like in normal autocrafting displayed what is needed. 9x9 Extreme Crafting of Avaritia can only be automated via Refined Storage or via the detour if you unpack the items in a box and then manually craftet in the crafting table! I hope it helps a little bit and is understandable In my base are currently the 320 of me most frequently used recipes automated.
    1 point
  34. Hey, try pressing on J to open the minimap, then look at the bottom of the screen for a way points button, from there you can delete the way points which should also delete the beacons
    1 point
  35. hampusgt

    10/10 admin

    10/10 admin
    1 point
  36. Your Name: MrDingoDan Item Name + ID + Amount: 4 Markets, i liked annoying my friends with the falling noises Lost all the saplings I had Was building a seared brick oven and lost 64 seared brick wall Mob Crusher barrel wooden Diamond Tree Coordinates: Description of Issue: Started SkyFactory Today, Server had Rollback lost Island and items on it Screenshots (Optional):
    0 points
  37. could you guys tell me the ip of the blood magic server (i cant find one)
    0 points
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