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  1. Hey guys! Figured I would give the people who play Nomifactory a heads up that I plan on updating the server very soon! Will be updating from 1.6.1b to 1.7.3, which is a heavy update. With this, a world wipe will be needed to avoid any possible corruption or incompatibilities! Also there are a ton of QoL changes, along with recipe changes
    4 points
  2. Condoriano42, The report system is in place to address legitimate rule violations, not personal disputes or disagreements with staff decisions. Your previous reports have been reviewed and addressed appropriately. If a report is closed, it means the matter has been handled, and further discussion is unnecessary. If you are unsure whether an issue warrants a report, consider the following: ✔ Reports should be made for clear rule violations, such as hacking, harassment, or griefing inside claims. ✖ Reports should not be made for personal disputes, disagreements with staff actions, or issues that have already been reviewed and resolved. Continuing to make unnecessary reports after receiving clear responses can be considered disruptive behavior. If you have further concerns, you are welcome to reach out privately, but further public posts on this matter will be locked. The decision from the management team is final. Continuing to post topics related to this will result in account suspension.
    3 points
  3. ManYouForgot

    Revelation Wipe

    Hi guys, Last server WIPE was on 19 November 2023, this is over 1 year ago. As part of WIPE this means all data except ranks will be WIPED, we will provide a world download, existing ranks can be re-activated and all maps will get new seeds. It will be a fresh start for all. We will also move the server to new hardware and do some improvements to maintenance. You can check the current live map here: LIVEMAP Please vote and let us know if we should next. Thanks
    3 points
  4. Server update to modpack version 2.7.3 is complete! This is a large update with updated mods, fixes and tweaks. You can find this update on Technic, CurseForge and CraftersLand Launcher. To avoid any startup errors best is to do a clean modpack install! Server address: gt.craftersland.net Changes Updated all configs Performed OS updates and maintenance Performed server manual maintenance Updated mods Fixed maintenance script config error Updated launcher mod pack Download our launcher HERE! A gregified world! gt.craftersland.net
    3 points
  5. Thank you for your report, I have rollback the server.
    2 points
  6. Alright, hiya Condor. So i am closing this needless post, you was told ingame that ____ali was talking about something else and you acknowledged this after asking if it was about you. Devil was just i am assuming living near you to help keep an eye on your base, but he decided he wasnt welcome there and left. Wouldnt you do the same if someone lashed out at you for no reason? He is free to do whatever he wants, if i was to infer his message it seems you burned your bridge with him as a friend so yeah thats whatever between yall not staff. No reason to cry to managers you lost a friend Next time you make a complaint as well make sure its something actually something needing to be dealt with and not waste managers time with.
    2 points
  7. Claim rolled back, any issues please lmk. T/C
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. FTB StoneBlock 3 modded server update to modpack version 1.11.4 is complete! Fixes and updated mods. Server address: sb3.craftersland.net https://sb3.craftersland.net/ You will find this modpack on FTB App and CraftersLand Launcher for download. The server is running latest modpack version 1.11.4 You can learn more about this modpack here: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/100-ftb-stoneblock-3?tab=about IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Due to an error, you will need to add THIS to your mods folder to be able to join the server! We are actively looking into a fix for this but until then, this is the only way. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience. Changes: Updated to modpack version 1.11.4 Updated all configs Updated all scripts Updated all mods Fixed spawn crates Fixed spawn item frames System OS maintenance and updates Data Cleanup Official changelog: Check out our guide post about how to start and progress in this modpack here: Server features: FTB Chunks mod for land protection with modpack native cave generation. Economy with Server Shops and Players Market Crates and Vote party for rewards Clans Banned Items: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Try our launcher: HERE! Stone all the way! sb3.craftersland.net
    2 points
  10. Here you can download the old RLCraft overworld map before the WIPE. DOWNLOAD The download link will work for 30 days.
    2 points
  11. Server address: rl.craftersland.net Server WIPE is complete, new map seeds were generated for all worlds. A fresh start for all with new maps to explore. You can download this update on CurseForge, Craftersland Launcher, ATLauncher. Changes: Full data reset Generated new map seeds for all worlds Removed 1 vote link Old map download: Download the mod pack using our launcher here: LINK Banned Items: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Real life immersion... rl.craftersland.net
    2 points
  12. Refund complete items placed in a chest @ ground floor of -2012 2986
    2 points
  13. brunyman

    [Rules] RLCraft

    Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: 0. Use Common Sense: RLCraft Rules: These rules are RLCraft specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. PvP:
    2 points
  14. Closed as requested. If you change your mind, please open a new topic and detail your request.
    1 point
  15. ManYouForgot


    Condoriano42, All players are welcome to request assistance, but all staff members, including myself, are here to help and enforce the server rules fairly. If you have an issue with claim flags, I’m happy to assist. If there is a specific claim flag that isn’t working as expected, please provide details so we can look into it.
    1 point
  16. If you actually think that my previous report was regarding Devil deciding to leave my area then let me clarify that I even said very clearly in my previous post, "It is his build and he is free to do whatever he likes with it." I encourage managers to actually read the reports so they can understand specifically what the forum report is regarding and the issue I am addressing. I was simply providing context to the situation which I have done with every single post prior. I was told to provide any information for any report that I felt was relevant to the issue so that is what I did.
    1 point
  17. Item refunded, if any furthermore assistant is needed you can reply to this topic. FYI- Any entity spawned in claimed land will despawn due to CF perms.
    1 point
  18. Use the proper template for claim rollback request.
    1 point
  19. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you
    1 point
  20. Hello this Condoriano42. Players tried to kill me in my base. In the incident the attack destroyed parts of my armor including enchant golem helmet and boots. I was given a full set of golem armor but if you would like you can take back the chest and the pants because only my helmet and boots were destroyed. Since the helmet and boots were already refunded I am requesting a refund of two adv protections. I already have mending and unbreaking but I can't get adv prot 4 because these same players who tried to claim kill me killed all of my friend sharkinators villagers. If possible I am requesting for two adv protection 4 books for the lost armor. I would like to also take the time to apologize for expressing my frustrations so much and asking for help so much. I don't like to ask and I don't like to bother and I wish I didn't have to. If you could refund just those two enchantments it would be much appreciated but if not I understand and I thank you for your time.
    1 point
  21. Refunded two adv prot IV enchantment books. If furthermore assistant is needed reply to this post, ty.
    1 point
  22. Denied. You have been warned multiple times for selling GMC Items, this would allow you to bypass it.
    1 point
  23. Both players have been punished for Rule 6: No PVP TP Scams.
    1 point
  24. Commands Added. As requested, you are restricted from using creative commands. You will need to request removal of the restrictions if you change your mind. /gm3 is for staff only. Please note all usage is logged, any abuse of WorldEdit will result in removal and future command requests will be denied. BTW Your ign purchase history only shows up to Sponsor. See if you can work out which Buycraft transaction ID was Sponsor+. If you're anything like me, you'll find a receipt buried a few thousand emails deep.
    1 point
  25. Your Name: RemiyaShirou Coordinates: -3508, 64, 416 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 01:00, CET, March 14th 2025 Description of Issue: both villagers I had were killed in my claim Screenshots (Optional):
    1 point
  26. This just refreshes your quest book, in case there is any glitched quests Quests should be reset now @LoureesCap please let me know if there are any issues
    1 point
  27. As a Sponsor+ You should have access to these, have you just had a rank transfer? /fly, potentially world edit, Creative and /hat are i know for guarantee part of the package? This is an administrator job as I'm not an operator, Still info on recent transfers would be helpful
    1 point
  28. There's an update to 1.20. I didn't look to see to what but it's after the 1.16 (or whatever) our current version is. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
    1 point
  29. Server address: dw20.craftersland.net You will find this modpack on FTB App and CraftersLand Launcher for download. The server is running latest modpack version 1.16.1 You can learn more about this modpack here: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/119-ftb-presents-direwolf20-120?tab=about Check out our guide post about how to start and progress in this modpack here: FTB Chunks mod for land protection Economy with Server Shops and Players Market Crates and Vote party for rewards Clans and PvP Live maps - updated 03/17/2025 Random Teleport Banned Items: HERE! Live Map: HERE! Daily Reward: HERE! Donate to support us: HERE! Try our launcher: HERE! Modded Madness! dw20.craftersland.net
    1 point
  30. You were banned for using exploits to duplicate items. request denied
    1 point
  31. Yep Neeve is working hard on the latest Nae2 so nomi 1.7.4 doesnt crash. Expect 1.7.4 soon since that is one of the last things.
    1 point
  32. we will probably delay this until 1.7.4 comes out
    1 point
  33. Completed Island transfer
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Permissions added. Please note all command usage is monitored and any abuse of commands will result it lose of commands and/or rank
    1 point
  36. 4erryDev1l

    Maybe wipe?

    Hi brunyman! What about wipe on the infinity evolved server? I don't want to rush things, but I think there are a decent number of players who are waiting for this event to start playing from scratch. Thank you in advance for your reply
    1 point
  37. Thanks for votes, WIPE will take place today.
    1 point
  38. After suggestion conversed in THIS topic recipe for RedNet Energy Cable got restored. There are 2 main ways to use this recipe. You can revert recipe deletion or simply craft cables without NEI support. Here is recipes: (You can use either gold or electrum ingots/nuggets) Or You can revert recipe deletion like this: [GAME FOLDER]\FTB Infinity Evolved\modpack\expert\scripts Find file named MineFactoryReloaded.zs Edit file using notepad: Either delete this whole line or place "//" before? like this "//recipes.remove(<MineFactoryReloaded:cable.redstone:2>);" this will disable recipe deletion.
    1 point
  39. That's a mod author issue. It was an issue on 1.12.2 as well.
    1 point
  40. Removed the tags and returned to the inventory of the player, thanks for the communication!
    1 point
  41. Items refunded to player ingame
    1 point
  42. Playerdat rollbacked to Dec If anything is still missing we will need to do a refund most likely.
    1 point
  43. Your password has been changed. I sent you a message here on what the new password is. Don't forget to change it
    1 point
  44. We need dregora guys!!
    0 points
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