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ZRD_25 last won the day on October 27 2022

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  1. Time zone same as the server and yeah am sure about the date
  2. Your Name: ZRD255 Coordiantes: -10369 64 7983 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(8/20/2022): BEFORE 21 :18 Description of Issue: I was afk in my home then come back to a clones of a player *cptnst0rmf1re* dying and it insta crashed my game and force restart the sever Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Your Name: ZRD255 Coordiantes: -10369 64 7983 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(8/20/2022): BEFORE 21 :18 Description of Issue: I was afk in my home then come back to a clones of a player *cptnst0rmf1re* dying and it insta crashed my game and force restart the sever Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Your Name: ZRD255 Coordinates: 14150 / 55 / 4294 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 14:00 GMT+2 Description of Issue: server crashed i died when the server crashed the server got a rollback but i lost my items due to the rollback Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Skyfactory 2 Rocks !!!!!

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