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About DBZWatcher

  • Birthday 12/22/1996

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DBZWatcher's Achievements

  1. Thanks to the server getting updated I've lost my Key of the King's Law, Eye of Flugel, and Fruit of Gresaia as well as many other items from my ultimate backpack and would like to request them back.
  2. So when doing mana and artifice when I try the Ritual of the Monsoon to make a thunderstorm to do the Ritual of Odin's Call nothing happens and it's required to be thunderstorming to do the odin's call ritual and I've noticed that there hasn't been any rain so is it just disabled and why? I'd rather it be on if anything.
  3. Your Name: DBZWatcher Item Name + Amount: 1 ring of the mantle, 1 ring of muspelheim, 1 Greatest band of aura, 1 angel ring, 1 Ring of loki, 1 Ring of thor, 1 Ring of odin, and 1 cloak of balance Coordinates: in the nether x1114 y80 z-296 Description of Issue: I was flying through the nether to find a fortress and stopped by a bastion and after I mined the gold I was surrounded by around 20 piglins both regular and brutes and when I tried to fly it wouldn't let me and by time I could heal I ended up dyeing and when I went back and broke my grave I did not get any of the listed items back either by an issue with soul bound items or the server deleting them after they fell and so I ended up losing the listed items.
  4. i guess nevermind i was able to receive a ME system from someone and if a roll back will delete it i guess i don't need it
  5. I would like to request to have my claim rolled back so that i may get back my items i lost to a refined storage 64k storage block.
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