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Everything posted by Katalyst_x

  1. Hello, This issue has been resolved server wide. If there are any further issues from any players please reply back to this post. Otherwise, feel free to make a new post about any concerns or problems that may arise. Best Regards, SKULL9867
  2. Hello @epicalex2 , It would probably be best for you to create a rollback request to resolve this issue. As stated in the above post, please try to move over to Applied Energistics 2 as it is a much more stable mod as opposed to Refunded Storage. The template for a rollback request can be found here: Best Regards, SKULL9867.
  3. Refunded player in game. Issue taken care of.
  4. Refunded player in game. Issue taken care of.
  5. Great songs :
  6. Granted, but it is a Nokia 3310 (The old one) I wish i had he ability to read others minds...
  7. Granted but you will never be able to do anything with it. I wish I could reverse time by a few minutes as I wanted but still retain memory of what happened.
  8. Granted, but you must live the rest of your life in water, only once every 10 years you may venture onto land for a day... I wish I had the ability to pass through solid objects.
  9. Granted, but none will ever know your useful wish I wish for The ability to predict the future... (pls make this one interesting)
  10. I have an interesting spectrum of music... ranges from metal to electro and so on. Kind of funny when I think about it.
  11. What have I done?!?!?!?! I had to sorry xD
  12. lelelelelelelel
  13. Hello, this is not the correct section of the forums to make such posts. Please make a topic in the correct server sub-section on the forums, and post in technical support for a rollback, or if you know who it was make a complaint in the correct section. Please use this section of the forums: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/211-infinityevolved/ If you would like a town roll back please post it here, https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/217-technical-support/ and follow this template,
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