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Status Updates posted by PerfectNeo

  1. Guess who's on the server?
    Of course I'm not 

  2. Oiga Marce se que no le caigo bien a la mayoria de los staffs :v, pero me vale asi que FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS (pa cuando me desbanean :,c)

  3. Ruisa,Thanks for everything you did for me but as you know I'm a little stupid. 

  4. I love u 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PerfectNeo


      I never thought a staff would ever hate me. 


    3. xtomyserrax


      You wanted me to hate you, but I dont. I am just punishing for infringing the rules. You had so little time, and then I added you just 3 days of ban (for evade). You could have waited, but you continued evading :(

    4. PerfectNeo


      Oh, tommy, did you ever have any friends you'd do anything for? I really don't care much if you give me a ban on a server that is dying, what I really care about is playing with my friends (I don't really have many).

  5. https://imgur.com/a/wnMTS



    Use it to ban people
    Come to the server and I'll pass you more

    PSDT: I don't know how to publish a topic


  6. https://imgur.com/a/wnMTS

    Úsalo para reportar personas 
    Porfavor ven al server estan haciendo cosas ilegales

    1. PerfectNeo


      In English 


      Use it to report people 
      Please see the server are doing illegal things.

    2. WaterIsIllegal


      I can't right now...

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