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biopticwharf90 last won the day on October 9 2019

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About biopticwharf90

  • Birthday 09/19/2001

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  • Location:
    The Netherlands
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    Bla bla bla

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  1. Account Name: Biopticwharf90Rank: Sponsor+Requested Commands^: /Time setReason for Request*: I can't do /time set in-game but can do /toggledownfall. It just seems like one of those commands that makes life a little easier in-game. not really any other reason. Thanks in advance.
  2. Great! Thanks for your reply^^
  3. So... It's been a while. I don't really know where to put this 'request' so I decided to put it here. About a year ago I was promoted to staff member on the tekkit server. I played alot back then and was actively online. Due to private reasons I couldn't play actively anymore and I forgot to 'retire' from staff rank.. So I wanted to login today and noticed i'm still a Helper in-game it's just that I don't have the staff key, hereby my request. Is it possible that I get 'unstaffed' and am just able to play as a member again? If it's not possible I completely understand since it's my own fault ? thanks for reading..
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