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Everything posted by articircle

  1. allthemods 6
  2. Account Name: articircle Rank: aponser+ Requested Commands^: /mek radiation remove all Reason for Request*so if i do have rads i can remove it:
  3. Account Name: articircle Rank: sponser+ Requested Commands^: ./god Reason for Request*:i want too have fun
  4. Account Name: articircle Rank:sponser+ Requested Commands^:/enchant Reason for Request*: i want too enchant things
  5. it wont let me download the launcher please help
  6. description of the issue: life essence how often does this happen? it happens evry restart goes back too 0 screenshots:
  7. i did not read the fine print
  8. life essence keeps reseting please fix after restarts please and ty.
  9. Account Name:articircleRank: sponserRequested Commands^: /effect giveReason for Request*i want it too use on em only
  10. Account Name: ArticircleRank: sponsorRequested Commands^: /rftdim deldim /weather ./timeset /world edit/enchant/godReason for Request*: for deleteing my diemsions
  11. Account Name: ArticircleRank:sponser Requested Commands^/time set /effectReason for Request itle be cool too have
  12. Account Name: ArticircleRank:sponser Requested Commands^:world edit enchant god /timesetReason for Request itle be cool too have Revelation
  13. the alter bugged in the middle of it the astral mod please fix
  14. canyou guys put constellion paper from astral sorcry in the donastion shop please and ty
  15. centrifuge ic2 at spawn shop
  16. we could add living rock too the spawn shops at revelations think about ok ;p
  17. i would like too say can you add the primodial pearl too the direwolf20 1.12 shop please thatle be nice
  18. canw e put constekllion paper at spawn so we can buy it its astral sorrcry ty if you can looka tthis
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