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Everything posted by Ramma

  1. In game name: LeRamma Proof of Purchase:http://prntscr.com/lama9t Description of Issue: Only 4 chunk loaders instead of 6 Date/Time of Purchase: See Screenshot Items/Rank Bought:Sponsor + Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: My Rank transfer was done via pex instead of Buycraft
  2. Post magical magicness here
  3. Nope, infact you just click forget password iirc.
  4. Also sorry for the way I responded to this thread, Didn't mean to offend you. And should of tried to help you sorry -Ramma
  5. Okay lets settle this, You're being pathetic, I'd never white knight anything or anyone, in fact I've had sever disagreements with this server and been banned and muted for stuff I've done, but to go out of your way to accuse them for stealing your account, please honestly get your head outta your gluteus maximus and see the facts, CRAFTERSLAND wouldn't risk everything OVER YOUR pathetic little minecraft account. Just stop trying as well, you're being stubborn and kinda sad. -yeetus
  6. Legit, not the launchers fault. It uses minecrafts SSL protocols to send your password to their servers. NOT ONE BIT OF INFORMATION about your password is sent to craftersland infact The Launcher is hosted by the person who opens it. You're being so dumb here, how many launchers have stole users password?. This topic is so absurd tryna accuse innocent people of stealing yo password. Do you honestly think your account is worth stealing? Why would they risk everything to steal YOUR password? Why would they want to risk their playerbase? Look at the facts, Craftersland Wouldn't steal your password, You're being petty and kinda stupid. And I'm 18 not a kid making more sense than you apparently and again WRONG CATEGORY.
  7. I'll wait for someone with a higher IQ of 10 to make a genuine help request about their account, plus you're in the wrong category. SMH, you're so wrong here.
  8. The launcher is perfectly fine, you're making dumb accusations about the Launcher stealing your password, you probably changed the password. Plus do you honestly think they'd risk their server and reputation over a single users account? Please make sense next time you accuse a server of stealing your account. - Yeeting outta here
  9. You understand, the craftersland launcher connects via Minecraft's login system right? It's not even possible for the craftersland launcher to steal your account. Maybe the real story here is, you stole someone else's account and want it :thonk:
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