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Everything posted by dfshorn1

  1. In all the time I have spent on this server, I do not recall there ever being a time when the "No's" won this vote. Do you?
  2. I have been giving this much thought. Mostly to just not say anything and let it happen. But I have been coming to Craftersland Minecraft for several years and have gone through my share of wipes on Infinity Evolved and Revelations and my wife and I probably represent some of the more older players on have on this site. For various reasons, it takes us a bit more time to reach a mature end game level than others. We would like to be able to enjoy it for a while. However, this time does does not seem to be the case. Is it relevant in any way that 13 of the 25 votes for a wipe are from people that have been members for less than 6 months? In fact 5 or 6 of the voting members are a month or less. I would only ask that you wait 3 to 4 weeks to see if your player base starts to increase again. There could be other factors other than a not so old Main World that your player base decreased. It might head back up again. Just some food for thought.
  3. Your Name: Dfshorn1 Item Name + Amount: 1 Tunnel Borer w/ Diamond Bore Head, 384 sections of Track. 5 Chest Carts. Coordinates: x: -5212, Z: -2673, Y: 11. This was in the Mining Dimension. Description of Issue: The Borer was running on its "Maiden" run and while working, it and everything with it and in the carts disappeared. I have 39 section of track on the ground left. Screenshots (Optional): YourName Your Name: Dfshorn1 Item Name + Amount: (This is a resend of my 1st msg with more details.) 1 Flux-Infused Jet Pack just as it was completing its charge in the infuser. Coordinates: X: -5212, (Same as Mine Dimension), Z: -2585, Y: 72. (my home in Overworld) Description of Issue: While the pack had completed its charge and moved from the charging square, it never reappeared in the Finished Square. It was just gone. Screenshots (Optional):
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