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Everything posted by Reverser

  1. Those fake pickaxes are from EU2 (see https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Shady_Merchant).aa Sadly we didn't have a way of knowing who put them on the market at the time that happened and thus can't check who the scammer was. We have since banned those fake pickaxes from being sold on the market.
  2. I removed the crashing block at your base, almost everything else is as you left it. Just your storage network master that was at the exact coordinates you provided was also removed. I placed a new one into your inventory.
  3. Sorry for the late response. When you're not using a minecraft premium account to play, you'll see the "Invalid Session" message on your first login attempt. To log in if that happens, simply try joining the server repeatedly.
  4. Pretty much every time the server restarts the disks disappear, causing you to lose all items stored inside. As long as that issue persists, we will not unban them.
  5. Pretty much every time the server restarts the disks disappear, causing you to lose all items stored inside. As long as that issue persists, we will not unban them.
  6. Hey, looks like the ID of yellorium has changed since the reactor kit was updated, we'll update that. I put a stack of yellorium ingots into your inventory.
  7. Reverser


    No longer needed T/C
  8. Hey, sounds like you're looking for a claim rollback. We need some more information in order to do that. Please create a new topic here https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/363-technical-support/ and follow this template:
  9. It appears that some of your chunkloaders were stored in different dimensions. I cleared all your chunkloaders, you'll need to set them again.
  10. When I checked the webstore with your username, I see a price reduction for ranks above premium. As it turns out you had already purchased the premium rank on Jan 11, 2019. This was overwritten with the vip rank you bought recently. Since you purchased premium before the last wipe, I reactivated that rank for you. I'll have to check what we can do about your redundant vip donation.
  11. The payment was completed successfully. Are you sure you had two free slots at the time of purchase?
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