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Posts posted by Infernal

  1. Just now, SoLongThx4Fish said:

    No. These are accusations, You keep SAYING I'm the one doing it. When I've told you so many times It's NOT me.
    YES I Have safari nets with mobs in them.
    Sure I use Linked Books.
    You use safari nets and have linked books too.
    Pretty much everyone in this server uses them when they get to the mob grinding stage.

    If you say that I'm doing it one more time I'm going to report you for harassment.

    We think you are the one doing it. 
    Go ahead Report us for "harassment"




  2. 1 minute ago, SoLongThx4Fish said:

    At this point you're just saying "This person has a gun, he must be the killer".

    I collect mobs.

    I'll wait for an admin.

    We are saying this person has a gun, and was there when the shooting happened, and had a reason to kill. He *could* be the killer, we would like you to make sure. This is why we need the admins. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, ACFreak13 said:

    Funny you should say that.

    I happen to have a screenshot of his inventory. With a safari net, holding a hell fish,


    Well that Means and Motive. Now if staff can just do a investigation and help us prove the last part. By the way SoLong lives in Kyrofox's town 

  4. I would like to add I suspect SoLong of spawning shit in my base too. I only have motivation as my argument and am missing opportunity and means. SoLong seems to dislike me extremely and that is motivation. AC has shown much more compulsive evidence please check his base for a Hellfish spawner as well. If it does turn out to be the case, please let me know... 

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