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  1. Hi Henk I am still Bug with the rank in the Lobby and in AssassinCraft today you were acclaimed me in the Survival I have not seen in which other Game Mode happens this of the Gray Color bug in My Name

    1. FerminCraft


      if you can fix the Bug Globally on the server Better

  2. Hello Yusixs Yusixs I need you on the server a staff that ban a men this a while ago bothering in Survival can not even judge who wanted to give a ban

  3. How can I pass the photos?

    1. CuteLoli


      Send it through discord please.

  4. Hello CuteLoli you can give a ban to this menu this time insulting

    I have pictures of what he is saying

    1. FerminCraft


      it's called Tusyn24

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