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Everything posted by bunnylau

  1. If you're talking about minecraft 1.17 @PaulMEdwards, Find for the latest version of Minecraft on the launcher. If that isn't an option, try this ====> https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360047764411-How-to-Manually-Update-Minecraft
  2. @NitroBladeI totally understand this issue - Its probably to avoid more serious crashes/bugs etc so if server restarts frequently, these crashes will be at it's minimum level. Thankyou for submitting this. - bunnylau
  3. Welcome back to the community :) remember me? hahaha

  4. Hi can i ask how could you protect you house or building from natural disaster? If I use the protections like PVP, Land and Magic, they don't protect against tornadoes and meteorite. Is there even a way to protect it???
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