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Everything posted by Chaz8591

  1. Would it be possible to have this looked at again please?
  2. liquid-flow is still enabled, attempting to change the flag still tells me that I do not have permissions.
  3. Account Name: Chaz8591 Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: /cf liquid-flow Reason for Request*: I'd like to not have lava and water flowing around while I dig out under my claim.
  4. Please create a post in this sub-forum using this template.
  5. Twitch is no longer updating Feed the Beast modpacks. Please see this post for more information and a solution.
  6. Fortune and Silk Touch are mutually exclusive enchantments. There must have been a bug that consumed the levels and book. I would suggest putting in a refund request.
  7. Looks like Astral is back up and running since the update.
  8. Account Name: Chaz8591 Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: World Edit commands, time set commands Reason for Request*: Help with building/progression. I will not use the commands excessively.
  9. Your Name: Chaz8591Coordinates: -2692, 1471, 35Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 8:34 PM CDT 4/10/20Description of Issue: DC'd and apparently died. When I reconnected I only had my death tomb, but there was no tomb at the site.Screenshots (Optional):
  10. Just to clarify: this is on the 1.12 server, correct? If so, my understanding is that Astral is bugged.
  11. Wrong forum bud. This is the forum for technical issues with the Direwolf 20 1.12 server.
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