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Everything posted by _MrToastyBuns_

  1. Hello A vanilla Golden Shovel is what's used to claim, usually, you can just craft it. For infinity, try "/t" as I'm pretty sure it uses the MyTown plugin to claim
  2. The list of restricted items on our FTB Skyfactory 3 Server, MC 1.10.2. Last updated 18.09.2024 Disabled Mods: InventorySorter - Duplication bugs. MouseTweaks - Duplication bugs. Restricted Items: Swapping Wand > Not enough Wands - Protection bypass. Displacement Wand > Not enough Wands - Protection bypass. Moving Wand > Not enough Wands - Protection bypass. Player Probe > Actually Additions - Exploit. Rod of the Shaded Mesa > Botania - Protection bypass. Shard of Laputa > Botania - Lag. Teru Teru Bozu > Botania - Changing weather. Imperfect Ritual Stone > Blood Magic - Changing weather. Celestial Manipulator > Draconic Evolution - Changing weather. Creative Block Exchanger > Draconic Evolution - Creative. Weather obelisk > EnderIO - Changing weather. Magic Boomerang > Extra Utilities - Protection bypass. Creative Drum > Extra Utilities - Dupe. Debug card > OpenComputers - Exploit. Chunk Loader Upgrade > OpenComputers - Server lag. Creative Player Interface > Random Things - Protection bypass. Online Detector > Random Things - Exploit. Creative Fluid Storage Disk > Refined Storage - Dupe. Creative Fluid Storage Block > Refined Storage - Creative. Creative Storage Disk > Refined Storage - Creative. Creative Storage Block > Refined Storage - Creative. Creative Wireless Grid > Refined Storage - Creative. Creative Wireless Crafting Monitor > Refined Storage - Creative. Chunk Loader > Steve's Carts - Server lag. Creative Vending Upgrade > Storage Drawers - Dupe. Lava Generator > Extra Utilities - Dupe. With this restricted items your stuff on the server will be safe from grief so you can play without worries. sf3.craftersland.net
  3. Hello The mana spreader recipe has been changed as per the picture below. The output may show up empty, this is just a visual bug. Click the "empty" output and the spreader will appear 6x livingwood 1x gold ingot 1x mystical petal (any color)
  4. Hello I have deleted your "Island" and "homebase" homes. For future reference, you can also do this manually by using the "/delhome HOME_NAME" command
  5. It was found that you had connected to our server at that time using the same cheats you were banned for the first time. Unban denied
  6. You were told numerous times to stop posting unrelated content in our channels and to use the appropriate channels for such matters. He wasn't harassing you, he was simply enforcing rules that you continuously broke. Appeal denied. Topic closed.
  7. Mini best admin
  8. Discord ban appeal accepted. Welcome back T/C
  9. Please join on your new account here: https://discord.gg/kR2W3CPq This is a new invite code for the discord server, let me know if this worked.
  10. You connected to our server using a hacked client therefore you were banned accordingly. Even if you had followed the template, this ban appeal is denied. T/C
  11. Please make the title of your post [Buycraft Issue]*name* In game name: Proof of Purchase: Description of Issue: Date/Time of Purchase: Items/Rank Bought: Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: Proof of purchase includes: PayPal Receipts, Transaction ID, and The Confirmation Email you received
  12. Data has been reset. Please reply here if anything is wrong or has not been reset properly. Thank you!
  13. Doing it tonight (hopefully). Client has been giving me issues recently
  14. Above issue has been resolved. Topic closed upon request.
  15. Per player's request, rollback has been reverted and no longer needed. T/C
  16. Island rollback has been completed and your system is restored!
  17. Hello and apologies for the delay! Your island has been rolled back. Please reply here if anything is still wrong.
  18. You currently DO have an island, and it's not only void. Maybe you teleported to the wrong area or it was just a visual bug?
  19. Doing it today ^^ Sorry to keep you waiting
  20. Hello! You did buy a crate party and it did go through on our end, however it shows you purchased it for the RLCraft server. Not SF4
  21. Hello! Sorry for the late reply! I'll be online tonight to take care of this for you. We'll reset your island from scratch
  22. Quests have been reset. T/C
  23. Very welcome. I'll mark this as solved and close the topic. If something else comes up, feel free to make another
  24. Did you mean 2022 or 2021? We do not keep backups as far as 2021. Unfortunately it seems the earliest we have is January of this year
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