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  1. Did you look back at your logs to see what killed you? There is a logs folder under the minecraft instance folder.
  2. I'm not sure I follow you. What server are you on that doesn't give you a few for free? DW20, IE:E, DDSS, GT:NH, SF4 and SA all have 4 free chunkloaders the last time I was on them (some have been a while). Now some of those require ender pearls (1.7.10 based chunk loading) but those are for 3x3 chunk loading. The rest tend to use an iron block and a blaze rod. I you mean more than the free ones, then that's different, but most people live with what they get for free.
  3. I would recommend Idiocracy. I thought it was a funny work of fiction, but recently came to realize that it was a documentary sent back in time to try to prevent a disaster in our world!
  4. Why not use the claims/sub-claims as it's designed? You sell the plots (sub-claims) and make one big claim for the area. This works well from experience and as far as I know, sub-claims allow for protection of the whole area without gaps when you want gaps (and streets) between the "plots" you sell.
  5. The point is that they don't count votes accurately, the server does.
  6. There is a problem in these numbers. You are looking at the vote server's stats. They don't always have accurate numbers. The server keeps track of the votes received and is more accurate about who is voting for the server since you also have to be active on the server for the top voter position. For example, i know I voted in each of the servers you posted all 30 days, but some of them don't credit all of my (or in some cases, your) votes on that "history" screen, so which numbers are more accurate? A vote server's stats that you can't verify, or the server's records of vote messages from those servers that it received and acted upon? Considering that one server says you voted 48 times in a 30 day window, and at least 2 show you and I voted way less than 30 times in 30 days, I wouldn't trust their numbers for any purpose.
  7. From what I understand, they have to spawn in Marble, but since Astral Sorcery marble isn't the right kind of marble, they don't spawn. I had asked about this a while back in this forum (before I was staff). Sadly, it's a pack limitation since a proper source for marble (like the Quark mod) wasn't included so they can't spawn.
  8. If you look at the rewards in the legendary crate, you will see that mystic crate key is one of the rewards. So you can get them if you are lucky!
  9. Replaced Items with the AE2FC items.
  10. 4 Eldritch eyes put in your inventory. I am not familiar with the mod enough to say. However, I would suspect that yes, being out of the room and invisible might have caused it to not drop the loot. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the Eldritch can speak to it.
  11. Got you to your graves, so everything but the eyes is back, right? What exactly was spent?
  12. Items were refunded (and thanks for the assist Happy) Let me know if there is anything else you need! locking this thread...
  13. Let me know when you will be online and I can restore your inventory.
  14. As IE is in expert mode, this is the correct process and timing. Since AE2 is considered a game changer in the pack,they put it further out. Having been through this a few times, you can ask for assistance from other players or grind the wrench that you need to craft controllers and energy acceptors.
  15. Items placed in user's inventory. Not sure what was meant by simple spawner, please let me know what you mean and I'll see about replacing it. Thanks, LordWarlock
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