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Everything posted by Vanish

  1. Thank god
  2. Please wipe
  3. No longer needed, was able to get my items back.
  4. i agree it's probably time for a wipe
  5. Your Name: Vanishq Coordinates: Deathpoint is at 1555, 5, 15 in dimension 687 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Was fine at 3/26 at like 7:50pmish. Description of Issue: Was exploring dimensional doors and I fell into the void, when i tried to do /back it said I couldn't teleport back safely so I lost everything. Screenshots (Optional): https://prnt.sc/NhMz6yRr7QgM https://prnt.sc/E7UDF7ZhJXzs
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