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Everything posted by ADucky

  1. I dident even seen it countdown. so i had no idea the server was evenb about to reset ealier
  2. Hey Mods, I was wondering if there was any known issues with the storage bus, i crafted one and then the server told me it was resetting, i got disconnected and when i got back online my storage bus was gone?
  3. So an unbeatable situation glitches out my best items and all I get is puns.
  4. I jsut started and was doing some chance cubes i got as quest rewards and sence i got a legendary key from my vote keys i had a skullfire sword so i wasent too afraid of it spawning mobs but instead it stuck me in bedrock and asked me a math question while i was suffocating and didnt even have time to awnser befor the lag killed me. no grave no floating items no thing. it was just outside my base.
  5. Your Name: Christian King Item Name + Amount: 8 vote keys and 4 legendary keys Coordinates: Void dimension -5939 -423 65 Description of Issue: I put a bunch of my stuff i had in my inventory to keep it seperate from what i was working with and the backpack turned into a purple cube with 1 space in it and destroyied everything in it. it was just left over tinkers stuff exept the keys i got from getting up to Premium + a little while befor this. Screenshots (Optional):
  6. I don't remember anything specific other then a bunch of materials and some of the dragon heads I got from the chest parties. I know there is alot more and I can't really think of anything It just sucks I pair irl money for the refined storage system for it to be the cause of my setback....if that could get refunded I would like that.
  7. i dont know how to delete this but just ignore it. im gonna just start over.
  8. Your Name: Formerly_ADucky Coordiantes: -1685 164 5130 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 6/2/21 Description of Issue: welp a few days ago my refined storage system drives got devoured by re-start after i bought them, i was warned about this bug like 10 minuets befor this happened lol. then i traded another player for an ME stystem right befor the issues on the server happened a few day ago with the base griefing and server crashs and that kinda stuff. so i got it set up, i was logging in today to test the server and come to find my ME drives are gone. only the ones who had anything on them. it seems some one found my base while i was away and stole them. If i could get my base rolled back to get my drives back that would be amazing. if there was a way to get the stuff from my refined storage cells i paid for then that would be even more amazing . and the powers off beccuse the majority of my power is solar currently and its night time. Screenshots (Optional):
  9. no way to know. the managemant hasent given any updates or even said they are looking for a fix. The only think i have seen so far is one of the Mods saying everyone had "cracked" accounts like some kind of pirated verson or something but i can easily prove i have had this account for many years.
  10. I had my profile reset and things worked for a little bit but the next day it was back to being busted.
  11. I tried again to login and it is still not letting me back to my original character. I dont know what keeps breaking my character....
  12. ok nevermind. I was online last night for a short time to be able to get things tested out sencei have been buisy irl but when i got back online this morning. it made me do the /login <password> and i dk why but it broke me again. im at spawn with no skin and none of my items. it says i have -113 claim blocks im so confused.
  13. Cracked account? like pirated? I do have a legit account so that's weird. The setback worked though i no longer have my house from before. so my dog is gone and the small house i had. I will worry about that later though. I will restart i wasn't that far in anyway. Thank you!
  14. Your Name: ADucky Coordinates: X: 4887 Z:2718 Y: 67 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 1pm Central US TIme ? Description of Issue: I think I'm Glitched on MC Eternal for some reason ealier i crashed and could not get back on so i figured i would try again later. I spawned in the spawn zone, with no items, no skin and only the books and shovel and stick. it did give me the diamonds and vote key though. The guy on discord says my player data may be messed up. Screenshots (Optional): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/842611868127985695/842639639226613780/2021-05-14_00.46.44.png?width=1276&height=676
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