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ahkent1125 last won the day on November 20 2024

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  1. umm any mod/gm?
  2. I would like to humbly ask if it’s possible to have the creative role back for my account. I realize that my past actions caused some issues with remove creative tag and unintended use, and I’m truly sorry for that. I only hope for the chance to use this role to make my base beautiful and organized with ease. I would be incredibly grateful for this opportunity and will be careful to respect the guidelines fully this time. hope i can get my creative role back cuz i planning to build a sakura tree in my base and i wish to get it back and im so sorry for unintentionally used. wont do it next time.. thank you so much. appreciate with the help and thank you for giving the one last chance.
  3. can i request fir my gmc cuz i need to use it fir my buildings and gmc helps alot in my buildings and i was planning to build a sakura tree inside but without gmc i cant do anything… or if i buy gmc can i get it back?
  4. im terribly sorry for breaking the rules which is remove creative tag in the game and im regret to do it. will never happened next time. ign: ahkent1125 banned for almost 8 days started since 11 November 2024 reason: was trying to check if the xp is still the same as before but doing stupid things which is remove the tags and im totally regret for doing that actions. hope mods or manager will see this messages and i wanna play rlcraft so badly.. didnt play for almost a week++
  5. Title: Remove spawn in tag ( Neongamerplayz) Minecraft Username: Neongamerplayz Time and Date: 2:12am GMT+8 Description of what happened: This player name Neongamerplayz using creative to craft a Ring of Resistance and sell it to the player name WarGod19. As a evidence below is the screenshot taken at the time he is crafting the ring. Plus Lieww asked him about the rules and Neongamerplayz said he read the rules. Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof: As a better proof information, me (ahkent1125) and Lieww saw this and immediately screenshot and report it right away.
  6. Your Name: ahkent1125 Claim Leaders Name: _ranee Coordinates of claim (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) : i kinda forgot the coordination Claim members: none Reason for request: abandon base Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended):
  7. Hi, i am ahkent1125, u may call me Rikku. recently i found a base which belongs to _ranee. i have a request to unclaim tht area if _ranee didnt online for months. heres a picture that i saved.
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