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Endmord last won the day on December 15 2022

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  1. Tried to join once more, error disappeared, my island seems okay. My request can be closed.
  2. Your Name: Endmord Island Owner Name: n0x_Inferus Coordinates: 27979 120 -13557 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 23:20 GMT+2/Tallinn Description of Issue: Cant say what happened. I was just standing afk near my fusion reactor. And when i opened mincraft window i got OutOfDirectMemory error with tons of bites. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Your Name: Endmord Item Name + ID + Amount: 9x Power Pot Mk3, 4x Antimatter Pellet - forge:pellets/antimatter, Time in a Bottle(+-12h) - tiab:timeinabottle, ~30x Experience Opinium core - minigutilities:experience_opinium_core Coordinates: 27900 120 -13560 Description of Issue: After death and rollback, my grave was rolled back. If its possible I would be happy to get some key things back :') Screenshots (Optional):
  4. I had same problem, mods on discord helped to solve this. Usually its caused by draconic items, to be exact, their good looking icon. Go to modpack instance - minecraft - config - brandon3055 - DraconicEvolution.cfg And change fancyToolModels to false toolShader to false This should help.
  5. Your Name: Endmord Island Owner Name: n0x_Inferus Coordinates: 27979 120 -13557 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 21:00 GMT+2/Tallinn Description of Issue: I have been crafting opinium cores for kikoku and at unstable ingot stage threw it out, seems like explosion damaged ME system drives and tons of items just been thrown on ground. And thanks to that everyone in the chunk gets chunkbanned. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/r3dVljE
  6. Your Name: Endmord Item Name + ID + Amount: Key Of The King's Law + botania:king_key + 1 Coordinates:27979 120 -13557 Description of Issue: Got Key of The King's Law from the dice, used once and it just disappeared. Checked restricted items and its not listed there. Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Seems like whole server day/night cycle got swapped, phantoms at daytime, solar neutron activators work at night, possible to sleep only while its day and etc. Problem should be somewhere in /ptime and blood magic day/night ritual.
  8. Found a way for ptime reset. Used Blood magic time ritual, it synced my time and server overall time. Ill monitor how this time thing works after this ritual for me.
  9. Hey! Ran into a problem, when i need a constant day for myself and manipulating everyone's time may be not very good. At first i used /ptime and spammed every starting day and night, but seems like its stuck for me. Now when it day on server - its night for me and other way too. Is it possible to add command to stop the player time moving and start when needed?
  10. Some of my thoughts about new quest: Killing usual dragon is pretty easy even with midgame armor, lets say netherite armor + supremium cleaver. Maybe wyvern tools are too much for the heart? Chaos shards, its cool that there is alternative, but imho id like to just fastkill dragon and get 10 shards, other than crafting this amount of items. Maybe its possible to decrease item types needed, but increase their amount. Like 1 shards - 1k awake blocks or even more. Most of us got awake seeds, so its pretty easy to get, but it will need good amount of pots and time to get to that point . OOoor, making some kind of taxed teleport to the new Chaos Islands, so no tons of new chunks generated + happy players than can pay and tp to chaotic instantly.
  11. All we know that TPS goes worse and worse. And what causes this is our world running on one thread. So when world is divided for multiple worlds (lets say 2 survival worlds connected to one lobby), they run on two different CPU threads and this should increase TPS in both world, as both got their own calculation process. Also its possible to sync both world player data(inventory and more). I don't know how Crafter's Land server is built and is it even possible to do with given machine.
  12. I tried it again and now it worked perfectly, cant say where is it coming, but sometimes dragon drops her heart sometimes not. But right now seems to be dropping. Thank you for investigating :3
  13. Heyo, some players noticed that Ender Dragon does not drop Dragon Heart anymore. Seems like it was changed on the last modpack update? Now player needs a Treasure ring trinket, so dragon could drop her heart. Can it be added to the spawn shop?
  14. When i just started with Gaia 2, it dropped Dice of Fate, i had full inventory of mob loot and when i finished with clearing it(couple seconds) dice was gone. But, well, i can kill him again multiple times, so all good.
  15. So it should not clear any valuable dropped item?
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