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  1. In-Game Nickname: Not sure who (wish I knew) Time and date: 6/13/2019 10:30 AM EST Description of what happened: (In chronological order) - I was rtping around looking for materials and I encountered a huge area of taint. Inside it was many (I would guess over 50) spawners creating taint tendrils (I think thats what they were). The area that one of the creative players worldedited out to get rid of the taint was 150 blocks x 150 blocks. So far I have encountered two of this massive griefs, this isn't someone messing around they are setting out with the intention of making huge sections of the world unplayable (see the post that I and cmyk_) made earlier this week. I would suggest rolling the area back (to before 10:30 AM EST on June 13) then looking to see if there is anything that is tagged with "spawned by X" since the spawners they placed looked like the standard vanilla ones and there were way to many of them to be non-creative. If this is the person that did the other one than they should at the least get an extended temp ban for at the very least violating Rule 20. It could also be considered violation of rule 12 since if they keep doing this unchecked the server will slowly become unplayable as they destroy vast area of land. Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) https://imgur.com/a/rnV4rRM List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below) Peridot12 EpicSkippy Whiteflash1 NightmareDoctor
  2. Here are some more pics of the grief. Just to give an idea of the scale of the mess https://imgur.com/a/8hRjVSs
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