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Everything posted by courtneyuhmyeah

  1. I was online today and my castle was destroyed. I'm assuming it was from a dragon, but could I get it refunded to it's original state?
  2. Courtneyuhmyeah Coordinates: Lost City, Don't exactly know where Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Like around 11:50-12:00 Central Time Description of Issue: Previously like twenty minutes ago I had lost my inv to a boss, and someone had picked it up and it had all got tagged. Therefor I went to Lost City to retrieve them back, but lost more in the meantime. Then a Proxy Restart happened and I couldn't get my things back. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Hey id like a refund of either 20k or like 5 ice dragon eggs. I have tried putting them into 3x3 water with snow under, 1x1, and in a river. Nothing has worked and they disappeared every time, without me even leaving the chunk.
  4. I was in the nether and a bunch of mobs had spawned. My account was really glitchy so I got disconnected. When I rejoined I had died, but everything was there except for my scythe. My scythe was maxed out but it had possession. I don't know if it's the server's fault or not but I want a refund.
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