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ZRGaming last won the day on June 28 2023

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About ZRGaming

  • Birthday 06/30/1997

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    https://Coming Soon.com

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  1. I know we talked about this in-game but for other players to see this. Its the config that is setting the limits for Sub Claims and the Full Claim. I would suggest make a Topic in Suggestion to allow more SubClaim and Claims. Thank You. Kyden__ for understanding. The work around to this is have other player you trust or just other player to claim the land you can't and have them give you permissions to use they claim also. Im not sure if the player can transfer their claim to you but worth a try.
  2. How many claim blocks in total are you trying to claim?
  3. What I know of max claims are set to 5,000 x 5,000 a claim. Now It might be better to do sperate claim. Like claim 5,000 x 5,000 then do other 5,000 x 5000 beside it. Don't get me wrong this might not work or might be consider a rule breaking. Since your trying to claim such a very large section of the map.
  4. Locking Forum for no more Posts.
  5. Hello Darkrex52, I have found your Review. It was Posted 21st Mar 2023. on https://tekkitserverlist.com/server/0OAEWDv3/tekkit-2-by-craftersland-claims-clans-crates Have you received any rewards yet?
  6. Please do /claiminfo while standing in the claim that is taking up usable land and screenshot it upload it here. or enter the Cord here! Thank you. Also make sure it's been at lest 28 days or longer since that person been on. I have found the Claim, I have upload the image of the claim. How ever you have been inactive for over 28days so I'm requesting this removal to not be done. If you become active please msg me or other staff member. Thank You. AzazelTheRuler Claim: GingerSalad Claim : Again it show you been Inactive for over 2 months. This removal Request is now Inactive.
  7. Your Name: ZRGaming Claim Leaders Name: OxxPL, Coordinates of claim X:+3134 Y: 87 Z: -3664 Claim members: OxxPL, RubberDuckie2003 Reason for request: Inactive over 28 days. also land just has a castle with nothing going on. Makes my base looks bad. Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended):
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