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Everything posted by JebacBydgoszcz

  1. items refunded at given coords T/C
  2. apples refunded
  3. https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141 Try this it’ll automatically teleport you to spawn after around 10 mins after using it.
  4. item placed in player's inventory T/C
  5. player unbanned T/C
  6. too much stuff for a refund, also unbreaking 4 is sus please reply to this topic with rollback request using this template:
  7. free donation
  8. items refunded T/C
  9. if you need only 1 item back, then edit this post to refund request please using this template:
  10. items refunded T/C
  11. items refunded T/C please follow this template next time:
  12. items refunded T/C
  13. sf4 <Topic moved to Skyfactory 4 Technical Support>
  14. cuz you posted it there
  15. epic
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