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Everything posted by JebacBydgoszcz

  1. duplicate post T/C
  2. Hi! sorry for the delay, advancements can only be reset when you're online message me on discord or in-game when you're available
  3. refunded T/C
  4. this request is supposed to go in our discord's technical support here: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/291724195480600577
  5. iirc you can do /is delete and it will delete your island and your progress
  6. Refunded T/C
  7. you can use enderchests at spawn
  8. Your Name: JebacBydgoszcz Coordinates: no Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 21st May 2023 16:00 GMT+2 Description of Issue: clearing my inventory also cleared my enderchest Screenshots (Optional): no
  9. every item listed has been put into your ender chest
  10. refunded T/C
  11. where is pixelmon?
  12. done T/C
  13. refunded T/C
  14. make a refund request in rlc technical support and use this template:
  15. make a refund request in rlc technical support and use this template:
  16. moved to rlc technical support
  17. is this for rlc?
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