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Everything posted by JebacBydgoszcz

  1. yes, it is againts rule 4
  2. server was wiped 2 months ago
  3. permissions granted
  4. moved to IE Technical Support
  5. Removing a claim xd
  6. It’s safe, it just doesn’t have a paid microsoft license that stops this message
  7. please edit your topic, and include this template: Your Name: Town Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  8. you were banned for excessive cheating with no intent to play normally, you did not provide a valid unban reason T/C
  9. Permissions granted T/C
  10. not specified coordinates, no proof of this happening. And how did a person not on the server killed you Rollback denied T/C
  11. Refunded T/C
  12. bruny didn't said anything on this, so it's not confirmed
  13. our MCEternal server is running on version 1.5
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