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michal359 last won the day on October 26 2023

michal359 had the most liked content!


About michal359

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  1. You were banned for using exploits to duplicate items. request denied
  2. Ingame Name: michal359 Cave Owner: michal359 Issue: Iplayed during testing phase of the serwer and now I would like a complete reset and a start from scratch. This means a wipe of my "playerdata", "emc-value-data", and cave.
  3. Your Name: michal359 Item Name + Amount: everlasting guilty mana pool x1 Coordinates: -- Description of Issue: item got deleted due to lag clear Screenshots (Optional):
  4. It's not problem with chests but with smeltery. It sometimes can corrupt and reset data of any storage that is in the same chunk as smeltery.
  5. Your Name: michal359 Item Name + Amount: builder block 2393 (100%infused) x1 shape card quarry 6959/2 x1 tesseract 2675 x1 ender chest 2686/0 x1 Coordinates: -- Description of Issue: quarry got deleted due to bugged chunk in rftools dim Screenshots (Optional):--
  6. Can we also vote for disabling twilight forest dim? In My opinion and many others it just causes more problems than it's Worth. Just adding twilight items to spawn shop shoud compensate for loss.
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