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Posts posted by Wolf_Raven_

  1. i can confirm that they did turn into basics he told me that is what happened and i went to look and sure enough for some reason the wand he used unbreakable wand from better builders reverted the ultimate induction providers into basic.


  2. item you will need: time in a bottle with at least 10 mins, a strong pickaxe,recommended a shovel, strong gear, weapons and you will need to have a way to walk through walls my method was phase step from wizardry bob.

    so to get to the boss you will need to find a spot you can dig outside of the fortress and dig down until your near/at the bottom of the dungeon that's below. once there find a spot where you can phase step into it, and start the boss fight like normal [see a slugentower guide to find out how] then once that's done and the cage thing has fallen use your time in a bottle on where it fell and the boss should be and the boss should pop up. Happy killings.

  3. the work around for this is to dig on the outside of the tower to the base level and use a phase step spell or another means to walk through walls into the boss lair. spawn the boss like normal *look up a guide on it* then once it's fallen use a time in a bottle on the spot where the boss would normally be to get him to fully spawn.

  4. so the first thing you are going to do is a grab a iron dimensional  door and a oak trap dimensional door, from there you place down the iron door and go through it.

    once through the iron door you are in whats called the pocket dimension and you are going to want to place down the oak trap dimensional door and then go through it.

    if you want to avoid doing that there might be a global waystone if a player dose not break it available.

    this was all researched by antinoob our mc eternal helper and tested by me.


  5. Required Item Name:fiery tears
    Quest Name:fiery tears
    Quest Tab Name (and sub tab if exists, ex. space exploration/the moon):dementions
    Notices (ex. restricted item or item not accepted): the spawner for the ghast is a naga spawener
    Solution (if you have any possible) :same thing you did with the hydra and the naga

  6. required item name: weedwood bucket (rubber) symrmorite bucket (rubber)

    quest name:dreaton aircraft

    quest tab name: dimensions

    notices:so in the dimensions tab theres a quest called dreaton aircraft wich requires a betweenlands rubber when i place either the syrmorite bucket or the weedwood bucket on a natural spawning rubber tree it dose nothing but give the looks of filling up but never dose.

    wont let me add picture

  7. Your Name: bloodyraven3
    Coordinates: x:635 z-162 y:64
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 11:45 est 5/4/22
    Description of Issue: was doing chance cubes when my friend punched me it got rid of my entire inventory filled it with shrubs but did not drop any of my items as i was in pvp
    Screenshots (Optional): 

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