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Direwolf20 Moderator
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Everything posted by veber01

  1. By default bloodstones are made with a weak crystal and a stone placed together in a crafting grid, is the recipe modified in GT:h?
  2. What you need imperfect ritual stones for? For the 4 blocks on top of the pillars? If so, you need Large Bloodstone Brick for that
  3. any heavy machineries? are you moving a lot of items all around? mob spawners?
  4. yet another 1.12.2 modpack, i dont think they would open an another 1.12 server from what ive heard
  5. He is indeed a dragon keeper, i was there when he hatched his dragons
  6. As of now claiming chunks in the the end is not possible so its not chunk loadable but in order to, as for my example, get crystals to make void miner 7/8 (environmental tech) you need to use a crystal miner in the end dimension. What does this means in practise in order to get these crystals you need to stay close to the miners in the end, basicly just afk (since it takes forever to get enough crystals). Its possible to get these mentioned crystals in the overworld tho, but for that you'll need to get atleast a tier 7 miner to be able to get the tier 8 crystals and make a modifier which lets you mine anything in any dimension (interdimensional modifier), so what does that means, is that you'll still need to stay close to the miners in the end in order to get up to T7 and to mine enough crystals to make the mentioned modifier. I'd like to request that we could use the claim system in the end aswell. if you got this far have a nice day
  7. After a server crash (@ 06/14/2022 GMT+2 08:33 PM), i am unable to join to the server due to a "Failed to verify username!" error. Even after restarting the game 2 times and even the launcher itself, im assuming its corrupted player data. I'd like to request that my player data be rolled back to a previous hopefully working state. EDIT: unstuck package did not solve my problem.
  8. This post is from DW 1.12, but some could apply on ATM6 aswell.
  9. HI Are you using java 32? Ram is set to 4098M and it comes back with an error that the specified size exceeds the max size, this could be becuase you might be using 32 bit java. Are you using any java args? You can check both in the options.
  10. After looking for Woodland Mansions i came to the realization that all of the mansions are outside of the current map boundaries so there is no way to get Undying totems as of now. Is it possible to add an Evoker egg at the spawn shop?
  11. For a couple of days now the server is experiencing huge tps spikes time to time, even with only one player online at a time (myself and alongside with others) a healthy 20 tps goes down to 2-3 for a couple of seconds and it goes back to 20 after. Heavy machines spawners etc are disabled for the purpose of testing etc but nothing seems to be connected to the issue. second picture was taken a few seconds after the first one
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