As of now claiming chunks in the the end is not possible so its not chunk loadable but in order to, as for my example, get crystals to make void miner 7/8 (environmental tech) you need to use a crystal miner in the end dimension. What does this means in practise in order to get these crystals you need to stay close to the miners in the end, basicly just afk (since it takes forever to get enough crystals). Its possible to get these mentioned crystals in the overworld tho, but for that you'll need to get atleast a tier 7 miner to be able to get the tier 8 crystals and make a modifier which lets you mine anything in any dimension (interdimensional modifier), so what does that means, is that you'll still need to stay close to the miners in the end in order to get up to T7 and to mine enough crystals to make the mentioned modifier. I'd like to request that we could use the claim system in the end aswell.
if you got this far have a nice day