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BossOfTheButtons last won the day on December 7 2024

BossOfTheButtons had the most liked content!

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About BossOfTheButtons

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  1. Our vote crate rewards could use some improvement. I think it's time to realign the vote crates with the gameplay progression of Tekkit SMP. Please share your suggestions.
  2. I have sent you to the overworld spawn point. Sorry for the delay. You should find your position reset next time you log in. Non-overworld dimensions are reset periodically, and Tekkit SMP has mods that add temporary dimensions. I suspect you may have been in one of those dimensions when it was wiped. If you have further trouble, there's a free item in the CraftersLand store called "Tekkit SMP - Unstuck" which will reset your location as needed: https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141 Feel free to reach out on our Discord server! CraftersLand Tekkit SMP Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/1041373489975808041 CraftersLand Technical Support Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/291724195480600577
  3. I have sent you to the overworld spawn point. Sorry for the delay. You should find your position reset next time you log in. If you have further trouble, there's a free item in the CraftersLand store called "Tekkit SMP - Unstuck", which will reset your location as needed: https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141 Feel free to reach out on our Discord server! CraftersLand Tekkit SMP Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/1041373489975808041 CraftersLand Technical Support Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/291724195480600577
  4. I'm trying to politely convey that if you deviate from the template, your request is unlikely ever to be seen by anyone who can fulfill it. Tekkit2 doesn't have an admin, and managers don't peruse the forums looking for support requests. They search for requests that match the provided templates, and "Perm Node request [Tekkit 2]" will never return for that search. That being said, I'll respect your decision to handle it on your terms. Best wishes, and see you in-game.
  5. Support requests should follow one of the templates so the appropriate staff sees it. Templates are pinned at the top of https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/468-technical-support/. Your post should follow the template called "Command Request". Look at other posts for examples. You might get lucky, or you can create a new request and I'll close this one.
  6. For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: [Moderator] BossOfTheButtons Coordinates: 11161 107 11300 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 7/30/2024 Description of Issue: A player claimed too close to another player and destroyed the landscape Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/rDZt1pi
  7. Is your system still working since we determined it wasn't getting enough power?
  8. For the record, Boss does in fact, give a flying f*. I'm empathetic to your situation and I generally discourage hostility, but no rules have been broken here. Claim protections do not extend beyond the boundary you choose as a player.
  9. I can't think of an artist more deserving of a magic wooden axe.
  10. The annual server wipe occurred overnight. It's a fresh start for everyone. Some purchases can be transferred. If you need any purchases reactivated, follow this template: Submit your request here: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/223-rank-transfer/
  11. Use this template to create request reactivation: Post your request here: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/223-rank-transfer/
  12. Let's do another half a year. ...just kidding--nuke it all.
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