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UltimateReloaded Admin
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Nieeek last won the day on May 20 2024

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  1. Vajra refunded on 4-4-2024 20:07 CEST
  2. I don't think you realize how much work it was to get it to it's current state. There has been a lot of 'optimization' done behind the scenes, this was the first Tekkit 2 Classic server as well - takes some time to figure out what works best. I don't know why you say it's unplayable - it's been at 20TPS every time I logged in & downtime seems to be minimal. You can always try the #tekkit2 discord channel if you have issues. But please remember staff does this in their free time.
  3. In this short tutorial I will show you how you can obtain ‘Compressed Steel’. DO NOT attempt to make a blast furnace to get Steel Ingot, the Railcraft blast furnace DOES NOT work with Sponge servers. We will need a Compressor or an Electric Compressor from Galactic Craft, the latter being faster. The cheapest option is the Compressor, which is shown below. For tutorial purposes I will use an Electrical Compressor, this requires an EU setup. Please note you will need a fuel source, such as Coal/Charcoal, to operate the normal Compressor. I recommend Charcoal as this is cheaper (32 EMC vs 128 EMC) and it has the same energy value. The screenshot below illustrates our goal. Step 1: Make Compressed Iron. See recipe below: Step 2: Add two Coal (this has to be regular coal!) to the Compressed Iron. See recipe below: You have now made Compressed Steel. Happy rocket building.
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