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Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles Moderator
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Posts posted by McDonaldsSalad

  1. Only server admins and managers can edit spawn. Another player had made a post about spawn shops being messed up so management is, hopefully, aware :)


  2. I suggested a player-ran shop on DDSS and it was shot down because players would abuse the heck out of it. One example I was told was they could sell endgame items for a couple dollars and then it would break the economy. A tekkit2 admin or manager will need to fix the player shops. 

  3. You put this as a refund request, as in an in-game refund request, so no manager is going to look at this. Best bet is to make a new post with a buycraft issue and a manager will look at it then. Not sure if you'll get your purchase refunded though, but then again, I'm not sure of the buycraft protocols. 

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