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Newlumberjack last won the day on March 24

Newlumberjack had the most liked content!

About Newlumberjack

  • Birthday January 29

Contact Methods

  • Discord

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  • Interests
    tech pyro :P

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Newlumberjack's Achievements

  1. Items placed in RetroHexada's inventory.
  2. Please use the complaint format.
  3. I haven't done the refund yet, i will issue it in a few minutes.
  4. Claim Rolled back, any issues please let me know. T/C
  5. Claim rolled back, any issues please lmk. T/C
  6. Hi, what was the enchants on the Axe and Pickaxe?
  7. Hi, im not exactly too sure what your asking here. Are you wanting a claim rollback or a inventory rollback?
  8. Claim rolled back, any issues please respond below, or message me in discord @ Newlumberjack. Completed Rollback.
  9. Please use this template.
  10. Denied. You have been warned multiple times for selling GMC Items, this would allow you to bypass it.
  11. Claim Rolled Back, any issues please reply below.
  12. Items refunded to player AuraCosmo + Crate Box Refund Denied. Any issues please reply to this post.
  13. Moved to Skyfactory 4 technical support.
  14. Placed additional set of Paper Walls due to miscalculation
  15. Refunded to player Condoriano42. T/C
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