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  1. Tier 1(set) with lens is fair, tier 2 is way harder than quantum quarry.
  2. There are always chunks from the map that are 100% loaded (is a minecraft feature). But spawn is not on those chunks so moving them there sould be better.
  3. Can we have the endertanks and the "filling" mechanism moved in the permanent loaded chunks? It will get rid of the necesity of someone going to spawn to load the chunk and is not really that hard to be done.
  4. bumpoi, We need XNet, TE is not working properly, pls fix.
  5. If only we could all move on @XNet but sadly it's bugged...
  6. Yes, it does, not matter the setup, even just the controller being placed into the world is gonna bug after server restart.
  7. So here i am, complaining about XNet not working. It feels like we are not able to move into the new type of mods that, for a reason, are better. The controller and pipes(connector/cable) bug after server restart. I've included pics with examples. When i used them for my canola farm (seeds out of barrel, liquid in/out x2 and energy) where i had alot of connections going on, i tought that it was my bad for pushing it might not like it, but even a simple setup like energy intake, item move from a to b only still got broke. Please fix it as it should be a server restart script or something that does not let it reload the "memory" it had about the blocks. Sadly is not as easy as just remove and replace the controller, you need to replace the whole setup, remake all the settings in the controller and is not worth it. It's very tedious to remake them all the since we have so many restarts. I'm sad mainly because this is the only mod that can make a base work with no flaw in like a short area since 1 cable can do 8 things is remarkable and creator claims to be really friendly for the server too. I left some pictures as proof so please check it, i'm sure i'm not the only one that wants to use them.
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