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IMI, nu mai zic, nu mai pot, cedez nervos, sunt terminat. Nici in engleza nu mai scriu, bagati warn-ul daca vreti. E A 18178421784218742174 OARA CAND SCRIU UN TEXT DE 2184242107421870 ORI. CACAT DE PS3.


Mihnea, buy an shit-coloured iPhone. Ffs, why are you asking this? it's your shit what colour should your phone be, but to not be such an asshole as I am at the moment, I'll answer your question: buy a black one. :)


Regarding the conversation.. wow,


I made a comparision between iOS and Android. It's fuckin little comparision based on what I've seen and what I've touched. Every single last-generation phone including iPhone 5,4,3, 4s, Galaxy S4,3,3mini,2.


OS: We have different systems here, so I can say, even if I don't like this very much, iOS wins. Android sometimes is moving slowly, or even blocking. I don't say iPhones don't do this, but not so frequently as I've seen Android doing this.


Games: iPhones have less free games, better games. Android more games, lesss good games, beside those games that cost in Appstore and can be found free on GooglePlay. All in all, Android wins for a bigger variety of applications.


Music: I couldn't find something to give me a winner in this category. Only my preference, so Android wins for better headphones.


Image quality: Android --> very bad - very good, 12m, iOS --> almost between 3-7mp let's say. I don't know thse details very good.


Battery : Android


Touchscreen: Android wins. I don't know if my finger is filled with shit or the touchscreen is bad, but when I try to throw a damn ball in a basket, just don't do it phone, the thrower is too idiot for you.


That's my little comparison. Please don't start making comments like: Dude, you're a fuckin' idiot., beucase I know I am at the moment, or at least for ever in this domain. This is a little unprofessional comparison based on my classmates phones that I've broken.


And one last thiing for Gold: Dude, don't be so modest. That's iPhone 8, iPhone 7 has one of my classmates, it's a Toshiba G450 ( You should search for it) and I have iPhone 6 aka Nokia 2330 Classic.


So, the result, ANDROID>iOS. As these guys said above, too overrated, really now. And sorry for each of my not so nice expresions, I'm so mad that I want to kill you all, I'm sicker than you Gheara for not being let yo say your opinion!

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The black color absorbs more sunlight, light that is transformed into electricity, making your iPhone's battery last longer...probably :))
The best OS I've ever had were Windows Mobile 8, symbian and android.

To infinity and beyond... BABY!

Edited by gold
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Well, I think I know why people hate Android and prefer iOS.


There's a wide range of Android phones, there are crappy ones and awesome ones. On the other side, the iPhone is always made to be somewhere bewtween crrappy and awesome.


And as of the performance, Android 4.2.2 is fucking boss! I know 2.3 is laggy but the lastest one is smoother than iOS.

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IMI, nu mai zic, nu mai pot, cedez nervos, sunt terminat. Nici in engleza nu mai scriu, bagati warn-ul daca vreti. E A 18178421784218742174 OARA CAND SCRIU UN TEXT DE 2184242107421870 ORI. CACAT DE PS3.

Mihnea, buy an shit-coloured iPhone. Ffs, why are you asking this? it's your shit what colour should your phone be, but to not be such an asshole as I am at the moment, I'll answer your question: buy a black one. :)

Regarding the conversation.. wow,

I made a comparision between iOS and Android. It's fuckin little comparision based on what I've seen and what I've touched. Every single last-generation phone including iPhone 5,4,3, 4s, Galaxy S4,3,3mini,2.

OS: We have different systems here, so I can say, even if I don't like this very much, iOS wins. Android sometimes is moving slowly, or even blocking. I don't say iPhones don't do this, but not so frequently as I've seen Android doing this.

Games: iPhones have less free games, better games. Android more games, lesss good games, beside those games that cost in Appstore and can be found free on GooglePlay. All in all, Android wins for a bigger variety of applications.

Music: I couldn't find something to give me a winner in this category. Only my preference, so Android wins for better headphones.

Image quality: Android --> very bad - very good, 12m, iOS --> almost between 3-7mp let's say. I don't know thse details very good.

Battery : Android

Touchscreen: Android wins. I don't know if my finger is filled with shit or the touchscreen is bad, but when I try to throw a damn ball in a basket, just don't do it phone, the thrower is too idiot for you.

That's my little comparison. Please don't start making comments like: Dude, you're a fuckin' idiot., beucase I know I am at the moment, or at least for ever in this domain. This is a little unprofessional comparison based on my classmates phones that I've broken.

And one last thiing for Gold: Dude, don't be so modest. That's iPhone 8, iPhone 7 has one of my classmates, it's a Toshiba G450 ( You should search for it) and I have iPhone 6 aka Nokia 2330 Classic.

So, the result, ANDROID>iOS. As these guys said above, too overrated, really now. And sorry for each of my not so nice expresions, I'm so mad that I want to kill you all, I'm sicker than you Gheara for not being let yo say your opinion!

You stole my words. +1 for that :)
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