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weird disappearing/rollbacky blocks?


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As of yesterday I started on the FTB infinity evolved server, early on bought myself Sponsor and got me an ME system from a fellow on the server, and once I had that all placed down and started working is when I experienced issues...

I don't have screenshots of this but last night when I was standing right infront my ME all of a sudden my furnaces ( which I had on the side ) had emptied, they still had the burning animation. Seconds after my ME controller drops on the floor and an ME cable turns invisible ( the 2nd cable acts as there's one still there, as it's still 'connected' ) Even though I have my ME controller in my hand my ME can still be accessible, I try to remove everything and place it back on to the ground as I also realise my energy cell just lost 70mil rf in a split of a second... if I connect the system back up with a new cable the ME would act as if there's already a controller on the network and shut off. This was late so I ended up calling it a night and when I woke up everything was.. sort of back to normal. I still had to refill my cell and connect the ME up with a new cable.

That has to be one of the weirdest glitches I've experienced in minecraft.

Then... today, no more than half an hour ago I had just gotten my smeltery up and running and started smelting a few items inside, upgraded my line of furnaces to iron furnaces by help of buying oil from spawn to make treated wood. Once I had all of that done I ventured out to find some more clay for the smeltery, as I'm digging clay I get the ME achievment for using 8 channels on a network... weird timing to get such an achievment...
I' finish up and head back home to notice that the things I was smelting in my smeltery had disappeared, the furnaces I just had upgraded and placed down have now reverted back to normal furnaces, the oil and the hammer I just made to make said furnaces is also gone from my ME system, it was almost like there was a tiny 30 minute rollback?

I also experience the mobs despawning as soon as you hit them, but I've heard other have that issue too.




I've experienced Tinker's construct cast disappearing, the mob issue is also prevalent, I dunno what it is, but sometimes I also get rerolled but blocks can either be removed or duplicated (i.e broken, replaced and spawns in first position).


The weirdnesw with blocks reverting I have not heard anyone else experience, @Iszy61 had some things revert,.. but from what I could gather alot of people experienced the despawning of mobs on hit. 

I figured it could've been some plugin entity cap that you might've added, since there was so many chickens raining from the sky during christmas, haven't tried it since

  • 2 weeks later...

The despawning of mobs on hit is due to towny, I've found that turning mobs perm to true prevents this affect, it also when set to false makes spawners redundant and by that I mean vanilla, draconic and ender io spawners.


Well my issue with the weird rollbacky part is no longer a thing, still no idea what caused it, but I guess we could mark this down as " resolved ".


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