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Broken Textures


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Awhile ago, some tesseracts in my base kept crashing the server when I were to join. When that was fixed, ever since some of my textures have been broken. When I look at most people's skin (Not everyone) They look somewhat like this: http://prntscr.com/ej3eyz




I also get some flashing block textures.. and some textures don't load when I place a block, so my placed blocks are invisible till I break one. Then they update. Here's an example: http://prntscr.com/ej3gr9


I've reinstalled the modpack and reinstalled minecraft. Nothing has worked. If anyone know what's causing this, Please help!


Oh great. I've got another problem now. The skin textures were fixed. I thought I reinstalled it completely but it turns out I only deleted the mods folder. When I went to test if the placing blocks near bedrock was broken, I placed the block and instantly crashed. When I join, I crash, too. There we 2 people with me at the time. They're not in the server either. I may have made a corrupted chunk. I do not know the co-ords.

17 minutes ago, EpicLoganc said:

Oh great. I've got another problem now. The skin textures were fixed. I thought I reinstalled it completely but it turns out I only deleted the mods folder. When I went to test if the placing blocks near bedrock was broken, I placed the block and instantly crashed. When I join, I crash, too. There we 2 people with me at the time. They're not in the server either. I may have made a corrupted chunk. I do not know the co-ords.

It was me jacobisawasome and VanVado that crashed with you we cannot get on either! Im not sure what we can do though. we wouldnt have lost much so im not upset i just want to be able to play!

1 minute ago, jacobisawasome said:

It was me jacobisawasome and VanVado that crashed with you we cannot get on either! Im not sure what we can do though. we wouldnt have lost much so im not upset i just want to be able to play!

How did you crash me? Right as I placed the block my game closed.


That's what I just said. It's me.

3 minutes ago, VanVado said:

It's not us. It has to be You, Logan.

I was placing planks, looked down the hole, then crashed.


15 minutes ago, EpicLoganc said:

How did you crash me? Right as I placed the block my game closed.

You said this, you are asking how we crashed you. But it must be a mistake, then. 

1 minute ago, jacobisawasome said:

Probably corrupted chunk. Did you place fluid?

I placed some burnt quartz at bedrock level.


I believe the coords are 600 2000 not sure of neg/pos but its in a 2x2 chunk walled off area using stonebrick and its the chunk that has the 3x3 hole going down. If its able to be rolled back that might work.


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