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First: x: -18,9 (-19) / y: 118 / z: -55,99578
Second: x: -16,88281 (-17) / y: 121 / z: -40,24259 (-41)
Three: x: -12,10905 (-13) / y: 120,406 / z: -41,71472 (-42)
Four: x: -7,87827 (-8) / y: 126,399 / z: -43,24003 (-44)
Five: x: -5,36800 (-6) / y: 126,399 / z: -43,62743 (-44)
Six: x:4,66853 (4) / y: 128,243 / z: -53,39797 (-54)
Seven: X: -2,21662 (-3) / y: 118,503 / z: -54,06075 (-55)
Eight: x: -17,65718 (-18) / y: 143,243 / z: -42,28593 (-43)

Sorry it was many graves i dont know witch was the right gravel. :(
I hope that is

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Sorry to tell you this but the graves don't exist anymore in that area. It's probably because the nether was reset. You could either request a refund or you could request a inventory rollback


Edit: Spoke to player in game, he said he already created better tools than the items he lost and doesn't need a refund anymore it seems.

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