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[Rollback Request] Lancelot

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Account Name: Lancelot
Island Rollback or Inventory Rollback:  both
Island owner name:  Lancelot
Coordinates:  x: 12000 y: -6800
Time/date[Time/Date you want it rolled back to]:  Wed. May 3 before noon
Description of Issue:  I had 2 draconic reactor controlled by computers using 2 different programs. All the sudden, at same time, both reactors exploded. Since then my personal inventory and my island get corrupted.

When i opened my inventory i found that almost all items from my hotbar got removed. 4 of items from hotbar were in small crafting grid (you normally can not have items in crafting grid when you close your inventory.)  For some time i could not use any item from my inventory, or open satchel i had. Several items keep disappearing and reappearing in my personal inventory. After i reloged I could use my items again, tho I am not sure if all items were back. Because i am afraid for invetory to become corupted again I ask for inventory rollback too.

On island i have one quantum ring and few me cables. Cables do not connect to each other even when they should (see picture). Quantum ring become disfunctional as if it was not completed when building (quantum ring is connected to my other island: GreenBox).

I rebuilded both of draconic reactors on the same spot as they were before. Server seems to remember some data from reactors that was there before, because when i finished building them they had some temperature inside from start (2168 and 2073).



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