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[Rollback Request]

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Account Name: G_G_Marvel

Character name: G_G_Marvel

Coordinates: Dimension No. 16122

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 8th May 2017 9:00 in evening

Description of Issue: I was in the retools dimension and it was powered flawlessly but when I entered and after few second, i died. I am pretty sure that this is not a chunkloading issue since it worked flawlessly every other time. I powered with over millions of rf and tried to enter, it says no access to receiver. As far as I remember, I have not changed the setting of receiver. I had changed my setting of receiver in world I've made to private as soon as I arrived. Dim ID: 16122

Will be able to bring all of my items back? Please answer.Thank you.


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