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[Refund Request] RoastedEU


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Account Name: RoastedEU

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful) I have a book and quill in game with all the stuff we lost in it.

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 13/05/2017 at around 8:15pm


Description of Issue: We got greifed and lost a lot of stuff.

Evidence (optional, but recommended): I dont have evidence but a lot of people saw what happened.

  • Founder

Please post the item list here, I can't find that book. Also we can rollback your base if you want, just post town name and a date to rollback to

1 hour ago, brunyman said:

Please post the item list here, I can't find that book. Also we can rollback your base if you want, just post town name and a date to rollback to

Sorry bruny this is already sorted in game got all the items back. Thanks anyways. SOLVED.

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