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Smoke in Spawn Acv1


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Network Server (Ac v1, Factions, etc.) : Acv1

In-Game Nickname : EdgarMX


Nicknames of the one you are complaining about :

Description of the situation :

Smoke in spawn v:

Screenshots/Video Proof (Required) :




Well, you are reporting hessaqtr123, but I see lordnasser with the smoke too, so..  I don't know what to say. Also the player on your left has it, or it looks like.


If you pay attention, the second screenshot in that album was actually taken first. So, it's most likely hessaqtr123 that's just used a smoke grenade and has gone invisible for a short time (second pic) turning visible in the first one, just seconds later.

Those chat messages confirm the two shots were taken moments apart.


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