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[Rollback Request] *Mixedme*

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No rollback needed!
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Island Rollback or Inventory Rollback: 

Island owner name: 


 x= 14171 z= 1798 y= 145

Time/date[Time/Date you want it rolled back to]: 19 June 2017 9:30 Pakistan Time
Description of Issue: 

i was afk and when i came back i was dead, me cable broken and disks alllll gone... i dont know how anything happend(was searching for something for my mum) Came back to log out since we are leaving (last minute post)




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Hi, try breaking and replacing the ME Drives as sometimes there's a visual bug with peoples ME system which makes it looks like they dont have anything in their ME Drives. Also please break the drives 1 at a time to avoid crashing your client and inventory

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