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[Refund Request] Small refund


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Account name(s): Tieno1(me), Platanosje(the other town member)

Stuff lost:

- about 4 stacks cobble

- about 30 stacks stone

- about 11 stacks oak logs

- about 2 stacks of rubber logs

- about 2 stacks of rubber tree logs

- about 1 stack of eucalyptus logs

- about 2 stacks of birch logs

- about 1 stack of birch saplings

- about 1 stack of oak saplings

- about 1 stack of rubber saplings

- about 1 stack of rubber tree saplings (IC2)

- about 1 stack of eucalyptus saplings

When lost:

Between 10 and 11 pm Amsterdam time zone.


Evidence: The proof of the stone would be that platanosje bought it around 8 o clock

The proof of the wood would be the forest biome before our town be totally cut down.

Other than that idk how to proof that our chests went from full to empty.



Dear server staff,

So after me(tieno1) and Platanosje played for like two days on this server we had a few chests full of stuff. When suddenly (most likely after a server restart or something) we noticed that three of our chests which contained the building blocks for our building vanished in thin air.

The stuff that is missing is:

- about 4 stacks cobble

- about 30 stacks stone

- about 11 stacks oak wood

- about 2 stacks of both kinds of rubber wood

- about 1 stack of eucalyptus wood

- about 2 stacks of birch wood

- about 1 stack of saplings af each of the above mentioned trees.


After we noticed we contacted helper dragonlady. She said we could make a refund request on the forum.


Thank you in advance.


Yours sincerely,



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