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[Refund Request]


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Account Name: KingsMan

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful)

I lost more stuff,but I need just my Wyvern Armor back

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:21:50 GMT+3:00 August 17,2017


Description of Issue:Yeah we were solving some problems with Imperatus,then I was walking around and died(I'm a vampire and so...)and i lost my stuff.But the problem is that when I die as a vampire,I die like 3 or 2 times instead of one,and I did not get the Wyvern armor with Soulbound!

For first time,i thought Imperatus took the armor from my inventory,but he said he doesnt have it....

Evidence (optional, but recommended):Imperatus refunded me the armor and soulbound books,the first thing i made,i enchanted the wyvern armor with soulbound...and it didnt spawn...



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