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[1] In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

Unfairly Banned by MarceLOL

Baneado injustamente por MarceLOL

[3] Ban Category:

- (Answer in this line) -

[4] Ban Duration:

10 days

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:


[7] Your Reason:


The other day he was banned for an unfair reason. I am accused of duplicating objects and selling them. All the money I have is thanks to love and sell OP armor, apart to duplicate the objects should have GM1 and I do not have it since I am premiun. MarceLOL checked my house for evidence but said it was clean.


El otro dia fui baneado por una razon injusta. Se me acusa de duplicar objetos y venderlos. Todo el dinero que tengo es gracias a encantar y vender armaduras OP, aparte para duplicar objetos deveria tener GM1 y no lo tengo ya que soy premiun. MarceLOL reviso mi casa en busca de pruebas pero dijo que estaba limpia.



We have been talking via PM. Apart from your poor excuses, I learnt something. I've been testing, and I've found out that the maximum of enchants that a sword can have is 6, not 7. I thought it was 7. https://gyazo.com/2f6a82d4a2a16ec54739dd0c3b5e1955

So, these swords are illegal and duped items.

Okay, it's possible to have 7 enchants, so at least they aren't illegal. But I still believe they are duped; same durability, same order.



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