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Another Refund Request


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Im sorry about making these all the time, its just i remember the items i had when i need them.


Account Name: MrColt

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful) Fulmination Generator X97"1412". 1g Anitmatter x2"20414:1". 125mg Antimatter x6"20414". Electric Turbines x240"3772". Meat Ingots x11000 "5665".

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 2017-11-25


Description of Issue: This is some of the items i had before the rollback mistake. And while making this topic i noticed my current Atomic Science reactor has turned my Electric Turbines into obsidian.

Note: The fulmination generator aswell as all the electric turbines can be confirmed that i had by RandomNukes. He refunded the electric turbines after 12 of my fusion reactors turned them into obisidan.

My fulmination generator had also turned to obsidian at some point in which he refunded that amount.


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