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[Infinity] Pure ... Crystals despawn


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The Pure ... Crystals from AE2 despawn on this server (as all regular items). However to create these items you need to throw the ingredients in a pool of water and then wait 16 RL hours for them to complete. As you cannot possibly stand by and wait for them to complete, there is a high chance you miss the minute between when they are done and when they are gone.

You can setup item nodes/golems to pick up the final crystals, but for that to work you need those crystals in the first place to configure the filter. 

To solve this I recommend to sell the Pure Certus Quartz/Fluix/Quartz Crystal at spawn for 50$ per item, so people can use those to setup their filters.

  • Founder

I gave you some crystals, in order to fix the issue we will patch the clear lag plugin so it will not remove them anymore. Thanks

  • Manager

I tested all 3 Crystals:

Pure Fluix Crystal (Item ID: 4362:12)

Pure Nether Quartz Crystal (Item ID: 4362:11)

Pure Certus Quartz Crystal (Item ID: 4362:10)

They all despawned within 5 mins of putting them on the ground.



I noticed today that my growing crystals multiplied for no known reason, which caused so many growing crystals to appear in my pool that FPS and server performance was affected. Thankfully Imperatus came to the rescue and destroyed them, I had like 2 FPS in my base.

This is the first time it happened (I had some in the pool basically since the beginning), which makes me feel like this is either a result of a recent server change or an issue with the Personal Anchor from Railcraft.

  • Founder

Hi, the changes were done for Pure Certus Quartz Crystal , id 4362:10  , this is what certus quartz seed grows into right? I will have to add Pure Fluix Crystal and Pure Nether Quartz Crystal


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