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TP killed by Zye_PT


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In-Game Nickname: jojobaoilhunter

Time and date: 09 DEC 2017

Description of what happened: Zye_PT pmed me for help. I had my inventory cleared but power suit on before tp. A guy called DragonTub sth (i cant really remember but not that dragonbone guy) hit me once. Anyway I go into the basement as Zye_PT indicated and then this guy killed me. I had lost my power suit with lots of installations (Can I make another post for requesting roll back about that?).

Screenshots or Proof: 6TqKknJ.png


List of eyewitnesses: Zye_PT, that dragon guy and me




  • Founder

Yes you can request an inventory rollback, just always empty your inventory before you disconnect until the rollback is complete

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